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Kansas City Royals
1 July 2009
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Kansas City Royals fans had a sense of optimism. Remember back to the time when we thought this was going to be our break out year.....oh about 2 or 3 m
Posted by Keri Kemmerer | No comments yet
5 January 2009
I am REALLY looking forward to the coming Royals season--call it blind optimism, but I think this team has a shot this year. Moore is putting together a team with a little more pop, while still building a pitching staff that will continue to improve....
Posted by Michael S Thornton | No comments yet
2 October 2008
Well it seems as though the "Devil" in Devil Rays has officially been exorcised. The Rays win their first playoff game in franchise history on the shoulders of rookie Evan Longoria.
Posted by hrdkored | No comments yet